Southwestern baptist campmeeting
The Southwestern Baptist Campmeeting is hosted by Mt Calvary Baptist Church in Deming, New Mexico.
Pastor Steven Sykes
2455 Hatch Hwy, NE, Deming, NM 88030
Church Phone 575-545-5186 Pastor's Cell 505-916-7458
E-mail: [email protected]
Pastor Steven Sykes
2455 Hatch Hwy, NE, Deming, NM 88030
Church Phone 575-545-5186 Pastor's Cell 505-916-7458
E-mail: [email protected]

Pastor Steven Sykes:
Bro. Steven Sykes is a church planter in New Mexico and is the Founder and Director of a
national ministry called BSALT. In 2009, God used him to plant the True Light Baptist Church
in Los Lunas, NM. In 2013, Bro. Sykes planted the Mt Calvary Baptist Church in Deming, NM. In 2016, the Lord lead Bro. Sykes to start the Southwestern Baptist Campmeeting.
By faith, Bro. Sykes began construction in January of 2017 and made plans for the 1st
Annual Southwestern Baptist Campmeeting for August of 2017. Each year the
Campmeeting continues to grow, and God blesses with souls saved and many Christians
being strengthened and encouraged in the Lord.
Bro. Steven Sykes is a church planter in New Mexico and is the Founder and Director of a
national ministry called BSALT. In 2009, God used him to plant the True Light Baptist Church
in Los Lunas, NM. In 2013, Bro. Sykes planted the Mt Calvary Baptist Church in Deming, NM. In 2016, the Lord lead Bro. Sykes to start the Southwestern Baptist Campmeeting.
By faith, Bro. Sykes began construction in January of 2017 and made plans for the 1st
Annual Southwestern Baptist Campmeeting for August of 2017. Each year the
Campmeeting continues to grow, and God blesses with souls saved and many Christians
being strengthened and encouraged in the Lord.